Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Want to try writing a book review

as you can imagine there are a million books being released and we can't keep up with the flow and cover all the areas that we want. Are you interested in helping out and try something different at the same time.

Contact us ( for more information.

Pick of the month for September 2011

Natalie and I have been busy this month and come up with two very different book of the months which you can view at

Finally updating the blog

I have been travelling in France (following the Tour de France) so didn't get much time for updates, but as usual Natalie was hard at work in the office posting a pile of new reviews and information. To keep up to date why not subscribe to our mailing list at

In August 2011, my partner and I left France and have now headed to Spain to follow La Vuelta Espagna and brought the wet weather with us which is giving me plenty of time for reading. If only it was easy to get to internet cafes or access wifi my days would be full of updating reviews, but alas Spain seems to be difficult to get things done in, so again poor Natalie is being my inhouse secretarial support and keeping the wheels turning.