Thursday, August 15, 2013

August is quickly disappearing

It is constantly amazing that the months seems to slip by quicker and quicker. Of course my to read book pile is still growing and with the addition of a Kindle, it just means that there doesn't look like as many books arriving via the postman. That coupled with winter here in Perth finally arriving, well for the last couple of days anyway where it has been windy and rainy, although still a relatively pleasant 20 or so degrees, makes for perfect reading weather. I have read a mixed bag this month with:-

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce
The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson
Losing Hope: A Novel by Colleen Hoover
My Education by Susan Choi
Apple Tree Yard by Louise Doughty
Of course then the hard work starts with writing a review.

There have also been some award lists issues which, as always, peaks my enthusiasm and the hope that the award winners will read my lofty ideals of an award winner. In the past this has not always been the case, but I live in hope, so yet more books have been added to the list.

I am currently reading Marriage Material by Sathnam Sanghera and loving it, I could say it is something I wouldn't normally read, but in fact it is exactly the type of book I love to read. An immigrant family struggling to find their place in a new society whilst still holding onto their culture.

After than on the pile to read is Questions of Travel by Michelle de Kretser who has just picked up the Prime Minister's Literary Awards after she scooped the Miles Franklin Award earlier this year.

Of course this weekend is taken up with visiting the University of Western Australia's annual Save the Children Book Fair where I can browse books and purchase all those missing ones from my series.