Monday, July 29, 2013

The season of book awards

Well the season of book awards is in full steam with a constant flow of awards being awarded - check out OurBookClub for a full list of popular prizes. What I find strange is that the same books seem to be nominated for each award. I am not naïve enough to think that every judge reads all the books that have been awarded without having their attention drawn to certain books/authors without the assistance of publishers. It is a bit sad, but realistic, as there are so many books and so many books that don't met their promise. One of my biggest pet hates at the moment is the proliferation of books that have or are being published with so many editing errors. Sometimes this may be cause by the obvious publishing differences between print and online books, but it is a small thing to control. This is even worse is some self published books where the editing is woeful, I am sure that even Microsoft Word spell checker hasn't been utilised. So after my gripe, it doesn't stop me reading, reading and reading some more. As usual the piles of too read books are even bigger than the piles that have been read pile. I have even put a stop on book purchases until I start to make a dent. Hmm may need to give up my day job for that to happen. Happy reading Tracy

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